Day Three

Many thanks and deep gratitude for all of your prayers. I made it through a very challenging day. I felt your prayers driving me forward.

We started the day by ascending 1500 feet into some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever been blessed to behold. Mountains covered in wildflowers and colorful vegetation made my eyes leave the trail many times and each glimpse infused me with strength.

The highlight was arriving early in the day to Cruz de Ferro, a cross on a spire where pilgrims leave a rock they have brought from home to signify releasing a burden. I left a rock and another object which symbolized something I have let define me for far too long. As soon as I spotted the cross, an hour or more before arriving, I started to cry. It was as if my heart was already taking the journey toward release with each step. I didn’t necessarily expect to feel something lift inside, but I truly did as I knelt near that hill and climbed up to leave my burdens.

Our descent was agonizing, we were literally climbing rocks down to our stopping point. My walking mate wept the last mile of our 16 plus and I struggled with every step. But, we made it and I am off again today!

Thank you, wholeheartedly, for praying. Please continue.

CaminoLizzie Campbell