You call me out to walk with you on the sea, Even in my doubt deep calls to deep (Phil Wickham, Wild River)
I am in my last days of preparation for my walk on the Camino de Santiago. I am embarking on a journey of a modest 200 miles of the ancient pilgrimage. My first fifteen days with be on the Camino Frances and then I will head to the coast for five more days of walking, with an arrival in Muxia. There is lighthouse there known as the point at which one has reached “the end of the earth.” I am very much looking forward to looking out at the water from there.
I have little in the way of expectation for the journey other than space to reflect, time to commune with my own heart and with the heart of God, senses to be newly attuned to creation and a heart to delight in new people and cultures. Indeed I feel deep calling to deep within me as God calls me to walk with Him.
I hope to blog a short entry (one or two paragraphs) a day in order to process and give others a glimpse into my journey. I covet your prayers for health, no more blisters(!), strength, physical capability, emotional fortitude and an open heart to whatever God has for me. The scallop shell is the symbol of the Way and for me it pictures an open hand, ready to receive.